The following post was posted on Active Rain, a real estate network that I participate in.
I have the permission of the poster: Julie Ferenzi to re-post it in it's entirety.
If there is ANYTHING you can do to help.......please don't hesitate
This has nothing to with Real Estate but everything to do with humanity...I wondered and thought for such a long time before I decided to use the Active Rain forum in this way. After speaking to the grandmother of this little boy this afternoon I really don't feel like it's even a choice. Trevor Kott needs a bone marrow donor now. I can't worry myself with whether or not someone will be upset that I posted this here on Active Rain. I will take any and all critism for posting about Trevor here, but the truth is that now with over 25,000 members I know that 25,000 people have the potential to hear and act on behalf of this little miracle.
I am writing today about something very important. This isn't a forward, and this isn't about an imaginary child floating around on the internet.
This is about a real baby boy named Trevor Kott. From the second I first laid eyes on him he stole my heart.
I first heard about Trevor's story a few weeks ago from someone on
Cafe Mom, which is an on-line forum that I belong to. Rather than me go on an on about what led me to this point I will share a open letter from his parents that I took from his website:
Help Save Trevor KottThe rest of this is a message was included in a personal e-mail to my family and friends. I decided I needed to harness the power of Active Rain to help this family and share it with you.
A hundred years from nowIt will not matterWhat your bank account was,The sort of house you lived inOr the kind of car you droveBut the world may be differentBecause you were importantIn the life of a child
Trevor is our son -- a beautiful baby boy who fills us with joy -- but he is fighting to survive. He was diagnosed with AML a rare form of leukemia at birth and must have a bone marrow transplant -- but the doctors informed us on March 15, 2007 that they were not able to find a match for Trevor in the International Bone Marrow Registry. Trevor 's need is urgent. His life depends on finding a match immediately. Since that news, the doctors have given Trevor about 6-8 weeks unless a match can be found. This lack of matching donors is a crisis that affects thousands of families every year. It only takes one match to save a life. It could be you, and it is so easy to find out if you do match. It does not require a blood or marrow sample, simply a swab of some cells from your cheek, and the compassion to help save a life. You don't even need to be a blood type match for Trevor, just a tissue match. Trevor's life will depend on your prompt action. Please take action by booking an appointment today. Time is of the essence.
Please forward this information to everyone you know and encourage each of them to do the same. We are attempting to reach millions with a national grass roots campaign and need your help. We are praying for a miracle for Trevor.
Thank you and God bless you. Bob and Angela KottSacramento CA"
I can't get this little boy out of my mind or the agony his parents and family must be going through. I need to act.
Some of you may, or may not know, the effects that cancer has played in both mine and Tony's lives. We have been touched by this disease from the farthest corners of our social circle, to the inner sanctum of our daily lives.
I can't explain why I feel so called into action. I don't know why I feel it is my duty to help this family find this very special person who will save their little boy... but I do know one thing. Trevor hasn't given up and neither am I!
I should also mention that Trevor's mom Angela, just underwent surgery to remove skin cancer from her arm that she developed during her pregnancy with Trevor. This is one strong family!
I have been in touch with his mother, Angela, and I am going to do all that I can to help her find the miracle Trevor so desperately needs.
That is why I need your help. I will be hosting a Bone Marrow Registry Drive next month in Trevor Kott's honor.
I need you to be there and say that you will become a member of the
National Bone Marrow Registry. You will not only be giving hope to Trevor's family... but to the many families who are waiting for their angel to find them. Registrants must be between the ages of 18 and 60 and never have had cancer or blood related illnesses.
Normally there is a $52 fee to become a member of the registry. This fee covers the cost of the Tissue type testing that matches donors with recipients. Because I am organizing this drive during the
"Thank Mom" campaign, this fee is being waived by the National Bone Marrow Registry!
It is important to understand though that even though you may not be a match for little Trevor, you could someday be a match for someone else!!! Can you think of anything more precious than the gift of life?!
Testing is painless. I did it last week at a drive at Midwestern University in Downers Grove. 4 quick and simple swabs from the inside of your mouth, and that is it!
My drive will be hosted sometime between May 7th and May 21st. I am working with a coordinator at
Life Source and at the National Bone Marrow Registry to plan this event. Most likely this will take place sometime between May 12-14th at the Babies R Us store in Shorewood, IL.
You can host your own drive by contacting the National Bone Marrow Registry!
Please tell everyone you know about little Trevor. When I have all of the details I forward you all of the details of this drive.
Thanks for listening!
here to watch this beautiful video of little Trevor....

~Julie Ferenzi
UPDATE: Trevor's grandmother, Linda Kott, called me today to ask if there was a way that I could help gain national publicity for his story.
I have contacted all 4 major news networks in my area as well as Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, 20/20 and Primetime. We are all only 6 degrees from being connected from to every single person in this world!
Do you know someone who could help us? A celebrity? A contact at your local news station?
Active Rain is such a great community of people always willing to help. I thought this was a great place to start. If you have any support or contact information to offer, please contact me at 630-673-6233. THANK YOU!