August 2008
RYAN's Landscape Guide
Making the most of your environmental space
In This Issue
Weed Control is Tough
Sycamore Anthracnose
Fall Seeding
Landscape Pests
Bed Weed Control
Landscape Calendar
At a Glance
Mowing Guidelines:
Bluegrass: 2-2.5"
Fescue: 2.5-3"
Zoysia/Bermuda: 0.5-2"
Watering Guidelines:
70-80 degrees:
1" every 5-7 days
80-90 degrees:
1" every 3-5 days
90-100 degrees:
1" every 2-3 days
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RYAN's Green Tip
We've had a wet spring, but now it's starting to get dry. Make the most of your watering by watering at sunrise to minimize evaporation and disease incidence.
Weed Control is Tough this Time of Year
Be Patient
We've had a wet spring, which has led to lots of weeds. Weed control is included as part of your lawn care program. Hot temperatures can slow the weed control process because weeds (like all plants) slow their growth when it is hot and dry. Since growth is slowed, they do not absorb our weed control products as quickly. As a result, more time may be required to achieve satisfactory results. Your patience is appreciated.
As always, if you find weeds coming up between applications, give us a call. We'll send your RYAN Pro out to take care of them. Remember, service calls are free for customers on a full program.
Stop Sycamore Anthracnose
Treat Sycamores now
We had a cool, wet spring, which is the perfect environment for the fungus that causes antracnose. Sycamore anthracnose is seldom fatal, but can be a big nuisance, affecting hundreds of sycamore trees every year. We can help protect your tree from this disease.
Homeowners with unprotected sycamores are already noticing dead leaves and twigs falling (dead twigs and limbs are a more serious problem that can result from this disease.)
RYAN can treat your sycamore with a plant protection product every other year in late summer. The first treatment will start attacking the fungus in the live twigs and protect branches from damage due to infection. Consecutive treatments give added protection to newly emerging leaves. This will significantly reduce premature leaf and twig drop next season.
Fall Seeding Season is Coming
Evaluate your lawn for seeding needs
Fall is the optimum time to seed your lawn. Cool season lawns often have seeding needs; look for thin areas or bare spots. This is also the best time to eliminate poorly performing grass-types by converting to improved grass species.
If you find you have areas that need seeding, choose your seed wisely. Great lawns start with the best grass; we have Gold Tag seed available for purchse (if you want to seed yourself.)
If you are interested in RYAN seeding, call today for an estimate.
Late Summer Landscape Pests
Regular monitoring key to control
Fall Webworm
Fall webworm nests dot fall landscapes every year. The second generation appears from late July to late September. Look for webbing on the outer branches of trees. Unlike tent caterpillars, webworms feed inside their webs; as food is consumed, they enlarge their nests.
Since damage occurs so late in the season, control is optional. High populations can completely defoliate host plants, but plants recover without incident.
The best control is to remove and destroy infested portions of branches while webs are small. This can be done by pruning or using a pole with a hook. Stick the pole with a nail inserted crossways into individual webs. Twist the pole after insertion and remove the nest.
Yellow Necked Caterpillars
Yellow necked caterpillars are still affecting landscapes. They attack a broad range of plants including fruit trees, hickory, beech, birch, elm, maple and walnut.
Homeowners need to be vigilant in monitoring their landscape plants as they can be destroyed quickly by these pests. Yellow necked caterpillar eggs (layed in masses in late June or early July,) hatch at the the same time. This means trouble for unsuspecting homeowners because caterpillars feed in groups.
Contact RYAN for assistance controlling landscape pests.
Fall Bed Weed Control
Spend less time weeding next season
Every year homeowners spend hours pulling weeds out of landscape beds. Consider reducing the time you spend pulling weeds next season by adding our preemergent bed weed control to your program.
Our bed weed control applications can achieve 90 percent control of both broadleaf and grassy weeds. For the best control, we recommend two applications, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Contact your RYAN Pro to add this service to your program.
Landscape Calendar: August
• Mow regularly with a sharp mower blade. You should be mowing at least once a week.
• Inspect your landscape for signs of disease. Call RYAN now for a preventative control program next season.
• Water every 1-5 days, depending on the heat, to keep plants and lawn from drying out.
• Water flowerbeds and lightly fertilize annual flowers.
• Look for seeding needs. Call RYAN for Gold Tag seed.
• Aerate zoysia and bermuda now. Mow these lawns short (0.5-2") throughout the season.
• Keep hummingbird feeders clean and filled with nectar.
• Fill the birdbath to invite birds into your landscape.