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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Oct 2007
Lola is a dear friend of mine - we worked together in television.
In 2004, Lola was diagnosed with breast cancer.
With her son and husband to care for she wasn't quite sure how she was going to manage. Friends and family were eager to help with meals, car-pooling and housekeeping.
Keep everything straight on who was coming when and to do what was taxing - this normally vivacious, beautiful, spunky gal didn't need one more thing to keep track of while trying to concentrate on healing.
Being Lola...she created an online schedule system where friends and family could log in and sign up for whatever duties on whatever date and time was available.
It worked beautifully and everything got accomplished when it was suppose to.
Now 3 years later Lola has won her battle with cancer and just today launched her own dot.com.
MyPinkPlanner.com is a free online service offered to breast cancer survivors to give them an extra edge on organization while undergoing chemo or radiation.
I'm proud of Lola - she's helping make lemonade out of lemons for breast cancer patients.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month please consider sharing this website with someone you know whose life has changed by breast cancer.
Good going Lola!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Fall is Upon Us...... Tree, Yard and Lawn Tips for Fall
Help Lawns Recover from Summer
Fall watering can go a long way
If your lawn looks a bit rough after the heat and dry conditions summer normally brings, get out your hose. Fall watering is one of the best things you can do to bring your lawn back after a hot, dry summer.
We usually suggest watering each area of your lawn at least 30-90 minutes each time you water, depending on your sprinkler type. If you are restoring your lawn without seeding, plan to water every week in the absence of rain. As the days shorten and the nights become cool, there is less evaporation and watering lasts much longer.
If you have seeded your lawn, you should water daily for three weeks. Continue to water every 2-3 days once this time has passed.
Protection Next Season Starts Now
Our plant protection products prevent disease
As leaves begin to fall for this season, take time to think of next spring. With rake in hand, it is easy to think of deciduous trees, like crabapples and hawthorns, that are commonly susceptible to fungal diseases in the spring.
We must also turn our attention to susceptible evergreens. Scotch and Austrian pines are commonly infected by tip blight during wet spring months. Tip blight was especially bad this year, which means there is a greater risk of tip blight next spring. Of the steps you can take to minimize your pine's risk of infection, prevention is the best method.
All pines can be protected on a preventative basis. Proper timing of our applications can control the fungi and enable you to enjoy healthy trees next season. You can rest easy by placing your trees on our program now. Contact your RYAN Certified Arborist today.
Ready, Set, Rake!
Leaf clean-up important during fall months
As trees begin to shed their leaves for the fall season, grab your rake. It is important to keep up with leaf clean-up, especially on newly seeded lawns.
It may be tempting to use your mulching mower to grind up your leaves. However, this is not the best method. Large amounts of leaves can significantly increase the amount of organic matter in your lawn and may contribute to low pH levels.
High levels of organic matter in the soil in your turfgrass areas can cause lawns to dry out extremely fast during dry spells. If you would like to use your mulching mower to grind up your leaves, be sure to move them to your landscape beds where organic matter is needed. Otherwise, bag the leaves.
Mowing Season is Winding Down
Final mowing height, mower maintenance important
Soon we will be packing away our lawn mowers for the winter season. Before parking your mower, be sure to do a final mowing. (Both warm season and cool season turfgrasses should be cut at two inches for their final mowing.)
Mowing at two inches has improved cold tolerance among warm season turfgrass. It also prevents cool-season turfgrasses to from falling over under the weight of snow.
After mowing the lawn the final time, there are a few important maintenance things to do. First, sharpen the blade. Also, change the oil and add a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank. This will reduce hassles in the spring when you are ready to get outside and work.
Fall Optimum Time for Feeding Trees
Give trees, shrubs nutrients they need to thrive
Trees and shrubs undergo many stresses throughout the year. This year is no different. From freezing temperatures late in the spring to typical summer stresses, many trees and shrubs would benefit from fertilization.
In addition to assisting with stress recovery, root fertilization can increase plant health and vigorous root and shoot growth.
Landscape Calendar: October
Water cool-season lawns to help recovery from summer stress.
Continue to water newly seeded lawns every 2-3 days.
Call RYAN to fertilize your trees and shrubs.
Plant spring blooming bulbs for early color next season.
Plant pansies to complement spring flowering bulbs. Simply plant the pansies over spring bulbs for a dramatic display. Mulch well.
Remove begonias, caladiums, dahlias and other tuberous plants for overwintering indoors.
Empty ornamental containers and store for winter.
Continue to water and weed landscape beds as needed.
Fall watering can go a long way
If your lawn looks a bit rough after the heat and dry conditions summer normally brings, get out your hose. Fall watering is one of the best things you can do to bring your lawn back after a hot, dry summer.
We usually suggest watering each area of your lawn at least 30-90 minutes each time you water, depending on your sprinkler type. If you are restoring your lawn without seeding, plan to water every week in the absence of rain. As the days shorten and the nights become cool, there is less evaporation and watering lasts much longer.
If you have seeded your lawn, you should water daily for three weeks. Continue to water every 2-3 days once this time has passed.
Protection Next Season Starts Now
Our plant protection products prevent disease
As leaves begin to fall for this season, take time to think of next spring. With rake in hand, it is easy to think of deciduous trees, like crabapples and hawthorns, that are commonly susceptible to fungal diseases in the spring.
We must also turn our attention to susceptible evergreens. Scotch and Austrian pines are commonly infected by tip blight during wet spring months. Tip blight was especially bad this year, which means there is a greater risk of tip blight next spring. Of the steps you can take to minimize your pine's risk of infection, prevention is the best method.
All pines can be protected on a preventative basis. Proper timing of our applications can control the fungi and enable you to enjoy healthy trees next season. You can rest easy by placing your trees on our program now. Contact your RYAN Certified Arborist today.
Ready, Set, Rake!
Leaf clean-up important during fall months
As trees begin to shed their leaves for the fall season, grab your rake. It is important to keep up with leaf clean-up, especially on newly seeded lawns.
It may be tempting to use your mulching mower to grind up your leaves. However, this is not the best method. Large amounts of leaves can significantly increase the amount of organic matter in your lawn and may contribute to low pH levels.
High levels of organic matter in the soil in your turfgrass areas can cause lawns to dry out extremely fast during dry spells. If you would like to use your mulching mower to grind up your leaves, be sure to move them to your landscape beds where organic matter is needed. Otherwise, bag the leaves.
Mowing Season is Winding Down
Final mowing height, mower maintenance important
Soon we will be packing away our lawn mowers for the winter season. Before parking your mower, be sure to do a final mowing. (Both warm season and cool season turfgrasses should be cut at two inches for their final mowing.)
Mowing at two inches has improved cold tolerance among warm season turfgrass. It also prevents cool-season turfgrasses to from falling over under the weight of snow.
After mowing the lawn the final time, there are a few important maintenance things to do. First, sharpen the blade. Also, change the oil and add a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank. This will reduce hassles in the spring when you are ready to get outside and work.
Fall Optimum Time for Feeding Trees
Give trees, shrubs nutrients they need to thrive
Trees and shrubs undergo many stresses throughout the year. This year is no different. From freezing temperatures late in the spring to typical summer stresses, many trees and shrubs would benefit from fertilization.
In addition to assisting with stress recovery, root fertilization can increase plant health and vigorous root and shoot growth.
Landscape Calendar: October
Water cool-season lawns to help recovery from summer stress.
Continue to water newly seeded lawns every 2-3 days.
Call RYAN to fertilize your trees and shrubs.
Plant spring blooming bulbs for early color next season.
Plant pansies to complement spring flowering bulbs. Simply plant the pansies over spring bulbs for a dramatic display. Mulch well.
Remove begonias, caladiums, dahlias and other tuberous plants for overwintering indoors.
Empty ornamental containers and store for winter.
Continue to water and weed landscape beds as needed.
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