Lola is a dear friend of mine - we worked together in television.
In 2004, Lola was diagnosed with breast cancer.
With her son and husband to care for she wasn't quite sure how she was going to manage. Friends and family were eager to help with meals, car-pooling and housekeeping.
Keep everything straight on who was coming when and to do what was taxing - this normally vivacious, beautiful, spunky gal didn't need one more thing to keep track of while trying to concentrate on healing.
Being Lola...she created an online schedule system where friends and family could log in and sign up for whatever duties on whatever date and time was available.
It worked beautifully and everything got accomplished when it was suppose to.
Now 3 years later Lola has won her battle with cancer and just today launched her own dot.com.
MyPinkPlanner.com is a free online service offered to breast cancer survivors to give them an extra edge on organization while undergoing chemo or radiation.
I'm proud of Lola - she's helping make lemonade out of lemons for breast cancer patients.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month please consider sharing this website with someone you know whose life has changed by breast cancer.
Good going Lola!
oh Fran, you made me cry. Tears of support though, not sadness. Lola sounds like an incredible woman...just the kind who would be friends with you.
Love your blog!
Thanks for stopping by and yes Lola is a remarkable woman.
Please come back anytime!
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