Are the Neighbors Keeping Your Listing from Selling?
Are the neighbors keeping your listing from selling?
We were showing some clients today and one of the homes had a shared drive-way and shared garage.
The home was situated on a busy two lane street with no off street parking.
We arrived first because I wanted to have the lights on and the place looking inviting before my clients arrived.
We pulled up in the drive-way (which was icy) to the left of the proper side of the garage. We no sooner get out of the car and go inside than the neighbor comes out, opens the garage door and pulls her car out half way.
My clients arrived...they pull in front of the appropriate garage door...the neighbor comes out and yells something at them. I couldn't exactly hear it, but from the look on the prospective buyers face it wasn't nice. We moved our car so they could move their car closer.
Now why in the world would you be nasty in a situation like that? Would
you rather have a vacant house next to you?
I know it takes all kinds when it comes to real estate and Real Estate in Kansas City Missouri isn't any different.
While filling out the feedback online for the seller's agent I explained what happened and ended it with "good luck selling it with the attitude of that neighbor."
It doesn't take that much to be nice.... does it ?
Fran White, REALTOR® 2007 816-682-3897 for your Kansas City real estate needs
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